Following in the footsteps of Thomas Berry (1914~2009), an ecotheologian and “Earth” scholar, the forum pursues studies to find solutions for environmental destructions by taking on a wider perspective on nature and cosmology. Lectures and educational programs based on Thomas Berry’s works are provided to members and the general public.
The aim of the lecture series is to gain an understanding of human civilization, to find new directions for environmental recovery, and to realize a new era of Ecozoic culture.
Thomas Berry was on the most important thorniest on the relationship between the nature and people. A Catholic priest of the Passionist order, philosopher, cultural historian and writer, he preferred to be called a geologian or an “Earth scholar.” A passionate and knowledgeable spokesperson for Earth, he was introduced as one of the most excellent cultural historians, and Newsweek mentioned him as a scholar as a new kind of eco-theologian who most stimulates.
In 1934, he entered the Passionist order and dedicated his life to research and studies. After receiving his Ph.D. in European intellectual history, he studied Chinese language and culture in the late 1940’s. In 1950s, he served as Chaplain Priest in Europe. Later, He taught Indian and Chinese cultural history at Seton Hall University and Fordham University.
For more than twenty years, Thomas directed the Riverdale Center of Religious Research.
His books include The Dream of the Earth, The Universe story (Co-authored with Brian Swimme) The Great Work: Our Way Into the Future, and Evening Thoughts: Reflecting on Earth as Sacred Community (Edited by Evelyn Tucker).
In 1995, Berry returned to Greensboro, North Carolina where he was born and continued to he continued to write and lecture until his death at the age of 94.
The Collected Thoughts of Thomas Berry