The PyeongChang Peace Forum 2020 (PPF 2020) was held from 9~11 of
February at Alpensia Convention Center in Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do, hosted by
Gangwon-do, Pyeongchang City, the 2018 PyeongChang Legacy Foundation and the
Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
Domestic and international expert
participants discussed diverse topics for the transition to a peace regime
beyond the war with the theme of Action Plan: End of the Korea War. Sustainable
peace and economy, the way of cooperation with the international organizations
including the United Nations, and future-oriented design of the DMZ were also
highlighted as major issues. In particular, People for Earth organized and
conducted the Plenary Session Three with the themes “Searching for Goseong UN Peace
City and Transitioning to an Integral Future” and “DMZ Peace Zone and Prospect
for UNESCO World Heritage Listing.”
Along with KumSil Kang, Executive Director
of People for Earth, who was the moderator of the first part of the session, some
members of People for Earth presented and discussed ways to spread peace and
ecological values beyond the division and conflicts. The participated members included
Dr. Ilcheong Yi, Senior Research Coordinator at UNRISD, Woo-seok Kong,
Professor at Kyung Hee University, Hye Jin Jung, Attorney at Law and Bo Hyun
Ham, Attorney at Law.
〈Plenary Session 3-1〉 Search for Goseong UN
Peace City and Transition to an Integral Future
Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do, is the only
county in Korea that is divided by the military demarcation line and covers
lands from both South and North Koreas. Because of this geographical
characteristic, Goseong is the place where the scars of the war and division
still exist but also has a lot to offer in terms of its historic, political,
and cultural values. Goseong also boasts its pristine nature especially in the
DMZ that has tremendous ecological value. This session focused on proposing the
UN Peace City’ based on its unique heritage and value
and establishing sustainable development plans for this city.
Session 3-2〉 DMZ Peace Zone and Prospect for UNESCO World Heritage Listing
The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) symbolizes
conflicts and division to the Korean people as it is the result of the Korea
War and the cease-fire. The DMZ is the home to memories and scars that are
still vivid and alive. However, people have recently started to acknowledge the
values of this area where everything seems to have stopped 70 years ago and
tried to rediscover the place as a future-oriented area. This session discussed
the potential of transforming the DMZ into a place of peace and cooperation and
also new perspectives on how to preserve its historic and ecological values as
a heritage of the human history.
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