People For Earth

Ecozoic Forum
People for Earth hosts conferences for the purpose of introducing its annual activities and achievements and to share academic knowledge and opportunities.
2020 PLZ Forum for Ecozoic Era_DAY1
  • 2021-01-23
  • 751

PLZ Forum for Ecozoic Era 2020〉

Development, Environment and Peace Nexus (DEEPEN): Peace Making in Borderlands


Date : December 3~5 (Thu~Sat), 2020  

Host : Gangwon-do, Cheorwon-gun 

Organizer : PLZ Festival

Partnership : UNRISD, People for Earth


Reconciliation and Coexistence in Contact Zones (RCCZ), Center for Asian Urban Societies (CAUS), Sun Probono Center


[DAY1]  Opening Ceremony, Session 1 and 2


〈Opening Ceremony〉


Welcome Speeches 

Byong Yol Woo (Vice Governor of Gangwon-do)

Hyun-jong Lee (Magistrate of Cheorwon)


Congratulatory Speeches

Young-gil Song (Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee, Republic of Korea)

Kwang-jae Lee (Member of the National Assembly)

Jongho Park (Korea Forest Service, Republic of Korea)

Jae-suk Chung (Administrator of Cultural Heritage Administration)

Nam-chun Park (Mayor of Incheon Metropolitan City)

Jae Kang Lee (Governor for Peace, GyeongGi-Do)

Paul Ladd (Director, UNRISD)

Kumsil Kang (Executive Director, People for Earth Foundation)


Keynote Speech

In-young Lee (Minister of Unification, Republic of Korea) - Peace Making in Korean Peninsula and the DMZ

Haecheol Chun (Chairman, National Assembly Intelligence Committee) - Efforts for DMZ Peace Zone and Legal & Institutional Support Plan

 〈Opening Ceremony Video〉



〈Session1〉 Borders and Borderlands in the 21st Century



Chae-han Kim (Professor, Hallym University, Republic of Korea) - A Conceptual Framework of Bordering

Jonathan Goodhand (Professor, SOAS, University of London, UK) - Rethinking the Margins: Conflict and Change at the Edges of the State

Patrick Meehan (Senior Teaching Fellow, SOAS, University of London, UK) - War to Peace Transitions Viewed from the Margins

Nimmi Kurian (Professor at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, India) - A ‘Peaceful Periphery’? The Paradox and Promise of Development Discourses in India’s Borderlands

Roland Bleiker (Professor, University of Queensland, Australia) - Visual Autoethnography and International Security: Insights from the Korean DMZ

Lily Murei (Policy, Research & Data Specialist Africa Borderlands Center UNDP Resilience Hub for Africa) - Insights from Africa Borderlands 

(Session 1 Video)



〈Session 2〉 Peace by Peaceful Means in Borderlands



Séverine Autesserre (Professor, Columbia University, US) - The Frontlines of Peace: An Insider’s Guide to Changing the World*Materials of this presentation stay private due to the copyright concerns.


Heidi Hudson (Professor, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa) - Feminist Border Thinking as a Means for Understanding the Gender-peacebuilding Nexus in Africa


Erika Weinthal (Professor, Duke University and Duke Kunshan University, US) - Water, Borders, and Peacebuilding


Oliver P Richmond (Professor, Manchester University, UK) - Peace Formation


(Session 2 Video)


