〈PLZ Forum for Ecozoic Era 2020〉
Development, Environment and Peace Nexus (DEEPEN): Peace Making in Borderlands
Date : December 3~5 (Thu~Sat), 2020
Host : Gangwon-do, Cheorwon-gun
Organizer : PLZ Festival
Partnership : UNRISD, People for Earth
Reconciliation and Coexistence in Contact Zones (RCCZ), Center for Asian Urban Societies (CAUS), Sun Probono Center
[DAY1] Opening Ceremony, Session 1 and 2
〈Opening Ceremony〉
Welcome Speeches
Byong Yol Woo (Vice Governor of Gangwon-do)
Hyun-jong Lee (Magistrate of Cheorwon)
Congratulatory Speeches
Young-gil Song (Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee, Republic of Korea)
Kwang-jae Lee (Member of the National Assembly)
Jongho Park (Korea Forest Service, Republic of Korea)
Jae-suk Chung (Administrator of Cultural Heritage Administration)
Nam-chun Park (Mayor of Incheon Metropolitan City)
Jae Kang Lee (Governor for Peace, GyeongGi-Do)
Paul Ladd (Director, UNRISD)
Kumsil Kang (Executive Director, People for Earth Foundation)
Keynote Speech
In-young Lee (Minister of Unification, Republic of Korea) - Peace Making in Korean Peninsula and the DMZ
Haecheol Chun (Chairman, National Assembly Intelligence Committee) - Efforts for DMZ Peace Zone and Legal & Institutional Support Plan
〈Opening Ceremony Video〉
〈Session1〉 Borders and Borderlands in the 21st Century
Chae-han Kim (Professor, Hallym University, Republic of Korea) - A Conceptual Framework of Bordering
Jonathan Goodhand (Professor, SOAS, University of London, UK) - Rethinking the Margins: Conflict and Change at the Edges of the State
Patrick Meehan (Senior Teaching Fellow, SOAS, University of London, UK) - War to Peace Transitions Viewed from the Margins
Nimmi Kurian (Professor at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, India) - A ‘Peaceful Periphery’? The Paradox and Promise of Development Discourses in India’s Borderlands
Roland Bleiker (Professor, University of Queensland, Australia) - Visual Autoethnography and International Security: Insights from the Korean DMZ
Lily Murei (Policy, Research & Data Specialist Africa Borderlands Center UNDP Resilience Hub for Africa) - Insights from Africa Borderlands
(Session 1 Video)
〈Session 2〉 Peace by Peaceful Means in Borderlands
Séverine Autesserre (Professor, Columbia University, US) - The Frontlines of Peace: An Insider’s Guide to Changing the World*Materials of this presentation stay private due to the copyright concerns.
Heidi Hudson (Professor, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa) - Feminist Border Thinking as a Means for Understanding the Gender-peacebuilding Nexus in Africa
Erika Weinthal (Professor, Duke University and Duke Kunshan University, US) - Water, Borders, and Peacebuilding
Oliver P Richmond (Professor, Manchester University, UK) - Peace Formation
(Session 2 Video)
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